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Organizing Kids: Kids, don't you just love them? Who is more honest, open and fun loving than a kid?
Being a kid-at-heart, I've always loved being around kids. However, kids do tend to generate clutter and a LOT of it!!
The abundance of toys, games, books, music, clothing, electronic gadgets and sports activities available to the average child is greater today than at any other time in history.
That's why there is so much clutter!
I asked my stepdaughter how she managed to get both her children to be such good helpers. She replied: "Start early!"
I didn't have the privilege of seeing how she raised her daughter at an early age (I wasn't in the picture back then), but I have seen the results. Her 9-year-old is such a great kid! She's a great helper with a good heart.
I have been around to see how she began raising our 18-month-old grandson. As soon as he was able to move, he learned the "Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up" song. He helps pick up everything he's capable of handling and helps put unbreakable items in the dishwasher.
It is possible to tame the kid clutter, and I'm here to help! This page will provide helpful links to other pages of information to help you and your kiddos get a handle on all that stuff.
Check back often for more organizing kids tips, tricks and hints that I have or can find for you. You will also find submissions from other readers!
This page will provide you information for organizing kids, such as:
10 Genius Organizing Ideas for Kids Rooms:
Here is a great video on organizing kids closets:
If you know of a great family/kid friendly site that would be appropriate, I'd love to include it here for others. Simply use the contact me form. I'll be sure to give you credit for the submission!
Be sure to include information on storage solutions for kids toys, etc.
Stay tuned for more kid-friendly information coming your way to this website soon!
Learning Environment 101: Organizing Your Space
Do you have a great tip for helping get kids organized? Share it!
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