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Entertainment storage solutions: Do you ever feel like there are too many books and not enough time to read? Do you feel like there is no such thing as too many magazines? Do you feel you need to keep every newspaper you every bought? Do you have a large selection of movies, music or electronic games? Do you feel over-whelmed?
I'm here to help!
So . . .
This page will provide tips on books, catalogs, magazines & newspapers
Just check out the links below and click on your favorite subject!
You can bookmark this page and refer back frequently. Tips will be added continually as they become available. You can even post tips that you know about (see the Entertainment Tips form below).
This is your tips and organizing solutions area. Please check out the following pages for tips on your specific entertainment storage problem:
Don't get frustrated or over-whelmed. I can relate. I've been an avid reader my entire life, so I understand the storage problem. I consider my books my friends, but sometimes it is possible to have too many friends!
Does this mean you can keep every lovely book that you see? No way!
Does this mean every magazine will remain? Nope!
Basic organizing principles still apply! That includes our beloved books magazines and newspapers.
Sometimes you have to say goodbye to old friends in order to acquire new ones!
Remember our Basic Principles. We want to live simply and enjoy life.
That means we need to reduce what we have. That’s a part of our Organized Mindset.
When organizing your books, magazines and newspapers remember our tips from Start Somewhere:
And, very important . . .
Re-review the information on Baby Steps:
Once you have everything sorted, you’re ready for the questions from Basic Principles to sort through the rest.
Do you know of a great entertainment storage product or tip? Share it!
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