Meat Storage Guidelines: As stated on Refrigerator Food Storage, foods cost money.
Increasing fuel prices also drives up the cost of food. It makes good sense to take care of the food you spend your hard-earned money on.
Information on knowing how to store food correctly will prolong the life of your food. It also reduces the risk of E-coli and salmonella, which keeps you and your family safe and healthy.
With proper refrigerator food storage, you have food that is:
Refrigerator Storage Information
The Recommended Storage Times (RST) below are based on storage temperature of 37°F.
Use the handy meat storage guidelines charts below to help you:
Food Item | RST | Handling Tips |
Beef, Lamb, Pork, and Veal: | n/a | n/a |
Chops | 2-3 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Ground meat | 1-2 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Roasts | 2-4 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Steaks | 2-3 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Stew meat | 1-2 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Variety meats (liver, heart, etc.) | 1 day | *See information below on how to store. |
Chicken, Duck, or Turkey | Ready-to-cook (2 days) | *See information below on how to store. |
Clams, Crab, Lobster | In shell (2 days) | Cook only live shellfish. |
Fish and Shellfish: | n/a | n/a |
Fresh cleaned fish, including steaks and fillets | 1 day | *See information below on how to store. |
Seafood: | n/a | n/a |
Clams, Oysters, Scallops (shucked), Shrimp | 1 day | Store in coldest part of refrigerator. |
NOTE: *When bought in plastic wrappings from self-serve counters, store in these packages. If not, remove from package, wrap loosely in waxed paper. This allows surface to dry. Dry surface retards bacterial growth.
Packages in self-serve counters have been handled by many shoppers. Opening, cleaning and repackaging before storage reduces opportunity for contamination (more important than a dry surface).
Food Item | RST | Handling Tips |
Cured & Smoked Meats: | n/a | n/a |
Bacon | 7 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Bologna loaves, Liverwurst | 4-6 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Corned Beef | 5-7 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Dried Beef | 10-12 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Dry and semi-dry Sausages (Salami, etc.) | 4-5 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Frankfurters | 4-5 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Hams | Whole (1 week); Canned/unopened (6 months) | *See information below on how to store. |
Liver Sausage | 4-5 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Luncheon Meats | 5-7 days | *See information below on how to store. |
Sausage, fresh or smoked | 2-3 days | *See information below on how to store. |
NOTE: *Unless labeled no refrigeration needed, store in coldest part of refrigerator or meat keeper. Keep wrapped. Times above are for opened packages. Refer to freshness date on package for unopened packages.
I hope these meat storage guidelines were helpful!
[Note: Information obtained from Texas Agricultural Extension Service, The Texas A&M University System]
You might also want to check out the information on these pages:
For more information on FDA food guidelines, visit the FDA.
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