DVD and Media Storage
Organizing Music, Video Games, Systems & Game Accessories
DVD and media storage, including gaming and gaming equipment, can easily become a cluttered area in your home and give you a headache! I know that most people today stream most of their favorite shows & movies, but gaming and game gear can still be problematic.
I will admit to being old enough to remember when some of the early, original video games first came out. The systems were antiquated and clunky, by game standards today, but I have to admit a fascination with the technology!
Do any of this ring a bell?
Pong ** Pacman ** Space Invaders ** Donkey Kong ** Mario Brothers
I still remember watching the Pong ball (albeit was a square) bounce slowly around the screen as I tried to manipulate the equally slow flat paddle to flip it back up. If you’re too young to remember Pong but have DirecTv, try putting your show on pause. Watch the DirecTv logo bounce around the screen. It's pretty much the same thing as the old Pong!
DVD and Media Storage
Organizing Games
No Space Invaders LOL!
If you are a kid, have kids or you’re a kid at heart, chances are you have video games and game gear. Games and game gear can take up a lot of space and clutter up your home if not stored properly. This page is designed to give you some general guidelines and ideas for DVD and media storage and tame the technology clutter. You might actually regain some space in your gaming area . . . . uh . . . . I mean family/living room!
Look at the space in your home and decide how to utilize these suggestions to fit your home and family needs. Here are some things to consider:
- Do you want to keep the gaming system where it currently is?
- Do you want to move it to another location?
- How much supervision is required? This might depend on the age of the children.
- Will the whole family be involved in the games?
- Is there another room in the home such as a spare bedroom, basement, etc. where you could move the games and equipment to and free up the current location for other uses?
Once you’ve made your decisions on these dvd and media storage questions, it’s time to start thinking about the actual games and equipment in order to decide how to organize everything involved. Every home and situation will be slightly different, but here are some general things to look at:
- The size and shape of the gaming console(s).
- The size and shape of your television that the console(s) is connected to.
- The size and shape of the television stand, entertainment center, table, etc. that the TV placed is on.
- The size, shape and quantity of any related game accessories.
- What type of DVD storage do you want to employ? Please see the suggestions below.
Here are some of my favorite organizing ideas for dealing with DVD and media storage, video games and game gear:
- Most people under-utilize their vertical space. This is also true with regard to games and game gear. The game console(s) may be located close to additional electronic equipment such as a DVD player, CD player, etc. While these items cannot be stacked directly on top of each other, it is possible to utilize sturdy shelves to separate the consoles and store them in the same vertical space.
- Check the kitchen section of hardware or department stores. Many of these stores carry open wire shelving designed to hold canned goods and should be sturdy enough to hold game consoles, etc. The open wire design will allow the heat from the console to dissipate. Make sure it is sturdy enough and secure.
- If you’re handy with tools, you could create a wooden shelf that would serve the same function for dvd and media storage.

Games that come in CD/DVD cases can be stored in any DVD storage cabinet or CD storage rack. Make sure to keep the game instructions inside the case for later reference if needed. Also be sure the CD/DVD is replaced in the case and returned to the rack each time gaming is over.Another alternative is to purchase a 3-ring binder at an office supply store. Also purchase a box of 3-ring plastic sheet protectors with pockets for storing CD/DVD’s. Simply take the games out of the case and slip them into the pocket with the instructions. Make sure the CD/DVD is clearly labeled on each pocket. You can recycle the plastic cases.
Game controllers can be bulky and hard to store. However, a picnic basket with a lid or other decorative basket can be utilized for storing gaming controllers. Other alternatives for storing game controllers include utilizing a large garden pot, laundry hamper or laundry basket. Just be sure the container is large enough to hold all the controllers.
Cord/wire tamers can also come in handy. If, like our family, you have several pieces of electronic equipment in one place such as the game console, TV, satellite box, CD player, video player, etc. all in one location, the wires can get messy.Alternatives to purchasing expensive cord/wire tamers include zip ties, twist ties, Velcro ties for taming all those cords.Don’t stretch cords across areas where people will be walking as it is both a trip hazard for people as well as a fire safety hazard.
Special accessories, such as Guitar Hero guitars and Dance/Dance Revolution mats aren’t easily placed in a basket.Hang a hook on the wall to hang the guitar or purchase a guitar stand at a music store.Purchase clear plastic storage boxes for these items and slide them under the couch or bed (if space permits).Some game companies have special bags designed to hold their game controllers and paraphernalia, but not the consoles. Check the video game departments in your favorite store or online to see if one of these special containers are within your budget and would work in your space.
With a little DVD and media storage preparation and preplanning you can have fun and be clutter free at the same time.
Wow Wii (pun Nintendoed)!
Game on!
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