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Boy friend of woman with an autistic child

by Edward A Brummett
( Baltimore. Md)

It seems there is no help for her. As a mom she is great and does the greatest job. She had to quit a great job to tend for her daughter which put her in being broke everyday.

She ended her career but is a hero to me. She works with her child non stop putting everything else aside but her lil girl with no training with a child like this. It is hard to watch and there is no help. I know there is no money and not much time that is needed for her and her girl.

Anyway the doctors seemed to just make mom a zombie on drugs to deal with the situation which I think is wrong because her girl needs as much awareness and attention as possible.

I am Eddie Brummett and I fell in love with this mom and her lil girl. I put my feelings way aside for her and this lil girl. They deserve more than what I can give them. They are the most loving people I have ever met.

I pray everyday and all I know is that we are all loving and a hug is freakin awesome around here. I'm not good on a computer but I'm just trying to get out my feelings. I know there is people that love the same.

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